Diversity and evolution of chili peppers, the genus Capsicum (Solanaceae)

The comparative study of this genus addresses evolutionary questions concerning the impact and frequencies of genomic changes on diversification and speciation. The repetitive genome fraction of all Capsicum species (wild and cultivated) is examined for correlation with genome size variation. Additionally, the origin, patterns and mechanisms of the evolution of various repeats in the genomes of nearly 40 related Capsicum species is addressed.


Palombo NE, Weiss-Schneeweiss H, Carrizo Garcia C. (2024) Evolutionaty relationships, hybridization and diversification under domestication of the locoto chile (Capsicum pubescens) and its wild relatives. Frontiers in Plant Science 15: 1353991.

Carrizo Garcia C, Barboza GE, Palombo N, Weiss-Schneeweiss H (2022) Diversification of chiles (Capsicum, Solanaceae) through time and space: new insight from genome-wide RAD-seq data.Frontiers in Genetics 13: 1030536